
Alloy Capital announces secured credit facility to Exitus Credit

Apr 01, 2023

Mexico City, April 2023 –

Alloy Capital (“Alloy”) is pleased to announce its recent credit to a well-established Mexican non-bank financial institution (”NBFI”), Exitus Credit and CrediConfía, through a private securitization of a loan portfolio.

Exitus Credit, a NBFI established in Mexico City in 2011, is a consumer lending business focused on providing consumer loans with direct debit collection to retired pensioners of public and private organizations. The Company has a significant presence in all 32 states of Mexico through 196 branches. Exitus also offers microfinance group loans serving low-income women involved in productive or commercial activities.

With a market share that positions Exitus Credit in the top three in its segment, the Company has demonstrated a strong track record and resiliency through complex market cycles.