Notice Of Privacy
Alloy Mf Mexico, S. De R.L. De C.V.

Alloy Information

ALLOY MF MEXICO, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. and / or any Company that belongs to the same corporate group (hereinafter the “ALLOY”), domiciled at Av. Antonio Dovalí Jaime No. 70 Torre C, Segundo Piso, Colonia Santa Fe, Álvaro Obregón Delegation, Mexico City, Mexico , CP01210, is responsible for the processing of your personal data. Therefore and based on the guidelines of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties, this PRIVACY NOTICE is issued.

ALLOY, is a limited liability company incorporated under the Mercantile Societies Law and its purpose is provided for in the General Law of Securities and Credit Operations, therefore it is not subject to the fifth article of the General Law of Auxiliary Organizations and Activities of the Credit, and likewise it is not subject to the supervision of the National Banking and Securities Commission.

As part of the development of the ALLOY Corporate Purpose, it is essential to request and / or handle Personal Data of different individuals and companies. By way of example and without limitation, it requires information on personal data, name, address, tax data, names of legal representatives, deeds, financial information and any other information necessary in the performance of its activity.

Responsible Contact Details For The Use Of Personal Data

Lic. María Amparo Ibinarriaga Silla, Av. Antonio Dovalí Jaime No. 70 Tower C, Second Floor, Colonia Santa Fe, Álvaro Obregón Delegation, Mexico City, Mexico, Zip Code 01210.


Tel: 52 55 4165 6575

Purpose Of Use Of Personal Data

ALLOY, states that the request and the handling of information and Personal Data will be solely and exclusively for the following purposes:

  • Financial Analysis of the company or individual with whom there is a business relationship.
  • Audit of legal and financial information of the company.
  • Information on bank accounts and authorized persons.
  • The celebration of the respective contracts, as well as the celebration of the contracts or instruments accessory to said legal relationship.
  • Comply with the obligations derived from the contracts that are signed.
  • Demand the fulfillment of the obligations in charge of you as a supplier derived from the contracts that have been signed.
  • Modify, where appropriate, the contracts indicated.
  • Assign or transmit to a third party, by any legal form, the rights and / or obligations derived from the aforementioned contracts.
  • Maintain the communication that is necessary to achieve the purpose of the existing legal relationships.
  • Exercise the corresponding judicial or extrajudicial actions to enforce the rights or enforce the obligations derived from the signing of the contracts in question.
  • Generate and maintain the registry of clients and legally related third parties.
  • Any analogous or compatible purpose to the previous ones.

Ways Of Collecting Personal Data

For the purposes indicated in this Notice, we may collect your personal data in different ways: when you provide it to us directly and when we obtain information through other sources that are permitted by law, the data we obtain through this means are:

  1. Identification and contact data: full name and / or denomination, nationality, address, home, cell and / or work telephone number, marital status, signature, electronic signature, email, RFC, CURP, place and date of birth, profession, business line, age, names of family members, dependents and beneficiaries, as well as their addresses, among others.
  2. Employment data: occupation, position, area or department, address, work telephone and email, employment references, personal references and commercial references, among others.
  3. Financial or patrimonial data: personal and real estate, credit history, income and expenses, bank accounts, insurance, afores, bonds, contracted services, credit history, among others.
  4. Sensitive personal data: health status, union affiliation and others that may be so considered.
  5. Any other that is required in order to provide the services and products that you have requested.

Said personal data may have been or may be obtained from you, either personally or directly by any electronic, optical, sound, visual means, or through any other technology. Likewise, we may obtain personal data of which you are the owner, through third parties and from other sources permitted by law, such as credit information companies.

Who Will Have Access To Personal Data

Your personal data may be transferred and processed within and outside the country, by people other than ALLOY. In this sense, your information may be shared with any controlling company, subsidiary or related to ALLOY to identify you as our client and give proper handling of your file, as well as the performance of related activities. On the other hand, your personal data may be shared with the Company’s employees in charge of credit, financial, operational and legal management.

Personal Data Security

We inform you that, in order to prevent unauthorized access and disclosure, maintain the accuracy of the data and guarantee the correct use of the information, we apply the appropriate physical, technological and administrative procedures to protect the information we collect. The personal and patrimonial information that you provide us, in accordance with the Legislation, is stored in controlled databases with limited access, always guaranteeing its confidentiality.

Modification Of Data Privacy Procedures

ALLOY reserves the right to make modifications or updates to this Notice at any time, in order to attend to new legislation or jurisprudence, internal policies, etc.

Authorization Of Use Of Personal Data

It will be understood that the owner of the personal data tacitly consents to the processing of their data, when the privacy notice has been made available to them, they do not express their opposition; and the consent will be express when the will of the owner is manifested verbally, in writing, by electronic, optical or any other technology, or by unequivocal signs. The natural or legal persons whose personal data is collected by ALLOY, at all times will be able to access, rectify or cancel their personal data and, where appropriate, oppose their collection. For the above and / or in case of doubts related to this Privacy Notice, the Authorizers may contact the person in charge of the protection of Personal Data at ALLOY: Lic. María Amparo Ibinarriaga Silla

Regarding the protection of your personal data, you may at any time exercise your rights called ARCO, Access, Rectification and Cancellation of your personal data, to Oppose their treatment or to revoke the consent that you have given us for this purpose.

To do this, it is necessary that you send the request in the terms established by the Law in its Art. 29 to the Head of Data Protection, responsible for our Department of Personal Data Protection, located at Av. Antonio Dovalí Jaime No. 70 Torre C , Second Floor, Colonia Santa Fe, Álvaro Obregón Delegation, Mexico City, Mexico, CP 01210, or, contact us by phone 52 55 4165 6575 or by email at, which we ask you to confirm by phone to guarantee correct reception.
Any modification to this privacy notice may be consulted at

Last update date: May 3rd, 2021